Crime Victims Notification System


Missouri Victim Automated Notification System Search

Click on the link above or on one of the links below and MOVANS will let you know if an offender is in jail or has a court case pending. You have the option to leave a phone number or e-mail address where you can be automatically contacted when the offender is transferred, released or when a scheduled court event occurs. The service is free of charge, totally anonymous and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

If you wish to be contacted you will be ask to enter a four-digit Personal ID Number. When the service calls, listen to the message and enter your PIN when asked. Entering the number lets the system know that you got the call, and it will stop trying to contact you. The offender will not know that you have registered. MOVANS can also be used by calling 1-866-566-8267 toll free from any touch-tone phone.

Missouri Victim Automated Notification System Search

National Victim Automated Notification System

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